Rules & Regulations
Fee, funds and other charges are to be paid on quarterly basis either in cash at the school fee counter or through A/c payee’s cheque drawn in favour of the school. Cheques shall be accepted upto 7th day and cash upto 10th day of each quarter i.e. April, July, October & January. If 10th happens to be a close day or holiday, the payment must be made up to 9th of the month, failing which a late fee fine shall be charged from 11th to 20th day of the month as per the school rules. The name of the defaulter will be struck off from the rolls on 20th of the month. In case the cheque gets dishonoured for any reason whatsoever, the fine, re-admission fee as per the rules of the school and bank charges are to be paid along with the cheque amount.
Note: No cheque for outstation clearance will be accepted. Fee and funds are not refundable / adjustable/ under any circumstances. Cheques shall not be accepted during March / April.
Fee Concession
Applications on the prescribed form are generally invited during the month of July every year for the fresh concession or renewal. The school allows a fee concession to the students on the basis of ‘means and merit’. Special consideration is given for granting fee concession to the pupils of the weaker sections of the society.
Caution Money
Claim for refund of the caution money shall be entertained within three months from the date of withdrawal or when the name is struck off from the rolls, or on completion of studies in the school failing which the whole amount will be transferred to the society’s Reserve Fund.